Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1773.07.08

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Index Entry Lyric, moral [beg] Mira, take this painted fan 
Location New York 
8 Jul 1773:41 (1592)
To a Lady, with a fan, whereon was painted on one side an
old Venus reading with spectacles, a Grace standing by her;
in the reverse, Venus, in a rich wrought, but loose robe,
looking upwards and giving alms, in an inclined posture, is
a beggar, on the ground.
  Mira, take this painted fan;
  Of it make the most you can,
  When it rises full display'd
  To supply the cooling shade.
. . . [46 more lines]

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1773.07.08 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0028769
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